
Showing posts from February, 2011

after a while

fuh,, seriously it has been a while since i wrote anything on this blog lazy? yes no time? not really, but i'd really love to put it that way acting bz? oh so true, so now im just gonna take my time and just TYPE.. ok,, so a lot has been goin on,, n i will tell it all but just briefly heheh firtsly, DRIVING, this week is gonna be my last class,, yes,, i have driven on THE ROAD, theREAL ROAD in klang,, my GOODNESS,, i feel great! if im okay i will be taking my jpj test by 8 march,, hehehe,, cant wait! secondly,WORK oh,, it is as fun as ever,, but now i have 10 students under me,, it used to be 9. the new member is DAMIA,, i will be putting some pictures in,, nut that will be later ok? hehehe, we also held a maulidur rasul celebration which i love so much coz there was so much food, LOVE IT!! hhaha, n just now.. which is today, i went to A FIRE STATION.. wahahahaha,, so boring,, coz i dont get to do anything.. but it was ok,, other than that,, i really enjoy my work.. ...

by, HAJAR~

hajar made this,, how sweet is she, right?  thx mdb~


malam ni rase sayu sangat, bace blog sume org rase nk nanges aje.. ak ke yg emosi lebih atau ini satu petanda ape2.. hari ini la,, asek teringat saat kt skolah dulu btpe protected nye aku.. btpe rajinnya aku, btpe kuatnye aku. tp skrg ak rse aku biase je.. ak lmh ke..ak tgok org lain ok je. tp ak rse cm tjunam masuk gaung je.. ak rase kekurgn and aku rase kekosongan gile.. seriously aku rase incomplete tw.. rse x sempurna sgt,, ak nk cikgu~ ak nk ustaz balik~ ak nk surau,, ak nk bilik aku.. ak nak kelas, aku nk blaja, ak nk solat jemaah, aku nk ngaji ramai2, aku nk semue pluang mngumpul pahale tu. buat ramai2 trse jao lebih mudah dari cube usahekn sdiri. Ya Allah., kuatkanlah sharifah shakirah. aku teringat dulu ade satu saat bile aku pesan kat some of my trusted friends, aku ckp,, tolong jage aku, make sure ak elok je, tp ak sedar sumtig hari ni,, useless je ak ckp cm2.. no one can help me,, xde sape boleh tolong aku slain diri aku sdiri.. dorg x boleh ubah aku.. hanya aku yg mampu. ...

chinese new year~

assalamualaikum,, honestly, i thought i was going to have the most boring holiday ever,BUT hey,, i was wrong,, i had a great holiday. why? because my relatives came to shah alam,, umi yah, ami wi, aliyah, samihah, and farha! thx for the enchanting holiday. usually i would just sit home all DAy long~ but not this time, on FRIDAY we went to KL from morning til evening,, oh god,, it was so tiring,,exhausting and not to mention thirsty! hahahaha,, that night we went to Icity, [sorry, no photos,it is all in their camera], nothing much at icity,, on SATURDAY we went to PKNS and umi yah bought me a new selendang, THANK YOU UMI YAH! love it~! then we continued our journey to RASAMAS restaurant, the bought a coupon from home and planned to use it.. so for everything we ordered we would get one free food, and it was unexplainable how much food the waiter kept sending over, and how much we ate, i for sure was totally full, up to the throat already, i felt like i can blow up. its good that i...