assalamualaikum, oh bloggy cutiee, miss u xtremely much! therefore i must redeem all the time ive been away from bloggy to write an awesome and great piece of post. so firstly, i promised to share some RAYA HAJI pictures, which are like so out dated right now, because raya haji has passed us like weeks ago, yet a promise is still a promise,, so here............. yum2, this our food, laksa, nasi himpit, cakes my cute niece the ladies other pictures,, errr un-share-able hahaha by the wayyyy, last week i went to KKNC< USIM, yeah,, it was so fun, no joke, i had loads of fun, even though waiting for hajar to arrive was such agony. my sweet intan payung wanted to go too, so it was perfect. both of us, me and intan, were so psyched to just be ON THE WAY to usim. to arrive there was like,, unbelievable! im traveling far *quiet far* with my friends, using assorted public transports. obviously i rarely go out. ahaks *mmg pun* at usim, it was great too, the house ...