a change
hello assalamualaikum people always say, its hard to change, a lot of things need to be considered and what not. even a bunch of people has suggested great ways in order to make a change, for example this 3 step advice IMAGINATION, imagine the worst case scenario if u dont change EMOTION , the imagination will then trigger ur emotion to realize something ACTION, take action in order to avoid the negativity that might occur just as u imagined and felt great steps right > yeah i totally agree but the problem is, the main foundation to start a change, is through the heart what the heart feels, what the heart sees, what the heart realizes so today i kinda realize that in order for a change to happen, u have to explore the real life incidents and scenarios and really think about it make ur heart see that u need a change and once ur heart feels the urge to change inshaAllah, it will be easier to take action then realizing the fact that u do actu...