near the end
assalamualikum, heyyaa~ ok2, the title is so dramatic, its not the end of me (kot), clearly Allah knows best about that, what i mean about the end is the end of me being a student at CFSIIUM petaling jaya, seriously, it is a fact that i find hard to absorb. why ? because of all these times I've been whining about being tired of rushing around, barely breathing, living the life of a 1-year student, but Alhamdulillah i have made it this far, so it is true that Allah will never burden His servants more than that is bearable. Thank you Allah for the strength, the patience and the ability. This walk of life throughout this year cannot have been better than what You have planned. thank you Allah, u have given me the chance to experience a feeling so precious, that is sacrifice, not only sacrifice of time, but there are other sacrifices that i learnt, sometimes to be near to Allah, we have to sacrifice what we think we love, but actually might deprive us from being closer to A...