University, i'm coming

hello assalamualaikum as u can see, from the title, me and most of my friends are finally entering university. no more pre-u. heck yeahh ! well, some of my friends are already in university for like a year already *for diploma students* so not as much excitement as those from foundation and matriculation. wait a second ? did i just say excitement ? i mean seriously, are we really excited ? well for some, it might be excitement, "yeah, finally i am a MAHASISWA ! " others might say " oh, it's nothing really" some might also say " no, are u being serious ? holiday is over ?" and the remaining might say " goshh i'm so nervous, my heart might jump out of my chest " while i personally have mixed emotions, totally excited to go cause i might just die of boredom at home already.but actually it's just another step in life, so not that big of a deal though. quite overwhelmed cause i thought 4 months holiday lasted longer than this. a...