IPhA (=

hello assalamualaikum I'm excited, I have a new job ( job ? errr, not really ). I am officially an IPhA office bearer for 2012/2013 session ! weeeheeee. okay honestly I was not psyched at all to be nominated, then after the votes came in and I officially won, I was like OH NO! I really can't do this. but heyy, Allah doesn't gives us burdens if we can't make it through , right ? so I chilled a bit. But now, knowing a bit about my bureau (publication and information), I'm quite excited and pumped up. it's really interesting. Though I do not know much of the skills actually required for this, but still, I'm looking forward to learn, inshaAllah. I just need to be positive. yeahh ! okayy, I've been babbling without actually telling what is IPhA, it's actually a short form for IIUM PHARMACY STUDENTS SOCIETY( kan ? =.=). Basically, it comprises all pharmacy students from 1st year to final year students. An office...