Hey, BUS

hello assalamualaikum have you ever said something that u don't ever want to happen to you, but right after thinking it, it actually happens to you. i was thinking about this thing while i was waiting, and in that thought i said, it's unimaginable if it actually happens to me, i wouldn't know what to do. BUT i shouldn't have even thought about it, i guess. cause it happened. And i was a mess WHAT HAPPENED ? okay2, i'm just trying to add some drama to my story, kahkahkah actually, i was left by the bus i was suppose to go on to return to shah alam. =( now here's the full story that morning i actually came early, around 9.30 and my bus was at 10, so i was just waiting there, when it was about 10 minutes pass 10, i was worried. " where the heck is this bus ?". so i went up to the counter and asked, they said it was gonna be late, maybe 10.30. so i waited, when it reached 10.30, no bus, i went up again, they said it just arrived. huhh ? t...