Year 1, pharm. end.

hello assalamualaikum it's actually been over for about two weeks now, but only now have i mustered the strength to write a post related to whatever happened throughout the first two semesters. why ? because i'm telling u, the 2nd semester of first year is not an easy path to recover from. i was damaged, crushed yet still weirdly happy.. all the time.. is there something wrong with me.. let's abandon that point. so, all in all, i've got quite the picture what i am about to face in the future. let me tell u this that pharmacy is not a joke. i f u want it, u better be totally serious about it. The busy-ness is just crazy, the hours that we put in to attend class and self learning is just madness and to be able to bear all that, u gotta be tough, u gotta be motivated, u gotta want this thanngg like u never want anythanngg else. i've got to give some warning for those who think, "medical is too much for me, i better go for pharmacy" be well informed t...