i wonder~?

lately, i have been thinking a lot,, actually it's not lately,, i have been over thinking, n thinking, n thinking my whole life,, but i really take time to reach a decision,, or i don't reach one at all,, haha,,
SO I WONDER,, why is it so hard for me to make a decision???? even the simplest most ridiculous thing is still so hard 4 me,, i guess i just think a lot,, and i think way too far ahead.. haha,,  but,, since the end of my school days i realize that i can't and won't be like this my whole life,, i have to make my own decisions,, whether i have a long time or short time to think about it,, i just have to do it,, im growing up,, life changes, and so do i,, we must change for the better,, adapt with the new surroundings,,

*motivation came from the book
must READ!!!!!!!!![ i strongly promote this book]

NEXT,, now i know it is confirmed ,that the date of spm results is on the 23rd,, fuyoh!! so near,, so scaredd!!
really have to prepare myself, I WONDER what will i get?? redho sje lahh,,

i am also WONDERING where did my slipper go.. i lost it,, i went to work wearing a green and orange croc sandles.. and by the time i wanted to go home,, it was lost,, it is actually my mother's slipper,, so i am feeling guilty,, but what can i do,, it's gone,, i asked everyone and even looked around the whole place,, but it was no where to be found,, such a mystery lahh,,

and one last thing,, i don't get why old friends like to be arrogant, is it so hard just to smile,, eventhough we we were friends during primary school,, what the heck just smile lahh~ *rugi je ak snyum lebar2,, die buat x tw je,, tp bile ak tgo.. bru nk jwb then tros chow,,*
i wonder does it feel good to act like you don't know someone,,?? n being arrogant??
what happened to "smile is sadaqah" n budi bahasa budaya kita"
i dont see that anymore nowadays,
* g psr pn makcik2 d sana lg lahh kerek, x nk snyum lgsung~*


Anonymous said…
nenek membebel.
hajarhadis said…
tw pon..da pndai wat decision blom???
b'latih slalu ea

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