ramadhan activities
hello and assalamualaikum,,
what i thought to be a plain ramadhan turned out to be a great2 month, UIA is quite fun for ramadhan,, eventhough i break fast with two of my roommates only *usually,, but sometimes we have big gigantic iftar and we eat in TALAM,, LOVE IT! here are some pictures of my class iftar,, NASI BRIANI! yumy,

what i thought to be a plain ramadhan turned out to be a great2 month, UIA is quite fun for ramadhan,, eventhough i break fast with two of my roommates only *usually,, but sometimes we have big gigantic iftar and we eat in TALAM,, LOVE IT! here are some pictures of my class iftar,, NASI BRIANI! yumy,
this is my classmate, hajar and mirash!
6 pair of hands in one TALAM, barakah~~
finished! alhamdulillah.
other than my class iftar, we also had a level iftar,,my room is at level 5, so all the residents of level 5 was invited for the iftar at the level's lobby, once again we ate in talam. the lobby was packed! of course lah, the food was free, haha.
this ramadhan i also made new friends and met old friends at JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, jeng3!
my new friends is ALIA and LIN
*teselit pulak aja kt tgh, sebok je*
actually i don't really have a lot to write about, my mind is blank,, all i want to say is,, that day,, when we went out together with HAJAR YANI YANA LIN ALIA was really really really fun, another collection of sweet memory

mmg sgt jelas lah jrwt ak..waaaaa!