Day 3 : Community Pharmacy Attachment

Hello Assalamualaikum

          Hah amek kau, kemahenn active lagi update. Truly cause i dont know how to update status in facebook. I feel like i would just ramble nonsense, so better here lah, because i still want to express myself in the form of writing. Anyways blogging is for  my future self. like a lesson book. like a trip to memory lane. uhuk. omaigod, can't  believe all this nonsense coming from me early in the morning. shakirah , i hope u change a bit later in the future *ihiks* Another thing i noticed is that i have a lot of typos in my previous posts. but heck all that, i'm not that diligent to correct it all. At least i know now. hahaha

           So, back to the pharmacy, so far it's been three days. Guess what ? i don't feel smarter yet. *imagine my stank face* 90% of the customer walks in, and boom, says the thing that they want and then we grab it and boom, they're gone like the wind. The point here is, everyone knows what they want, to be even more specific, they have a specific brand in mind, if we try to offer them another brand, some, only some will go for it, but everyone else wants whatever that they want. that's one thing. haa, and the other 10%, now they are more like our pharmacy practice practical, the ones how our lecturers come and act like they're sick and ask for recommendations. truthfully it's not even to that extent pun. for example yesterday this aunty came in and she was like, do u have any multivitamin good for elderly people, and i was like walking slowly to the supplement area, tp the staff pulak cooly go for multivit apa tah, and i was like, slowly looking for a place to hide. u feel me ? tengoklah, even that kind of customer is also specific already, she's not asking for recommendations for her condition, but she wants a multivitamin, so choose one for her. it's only to that extent.

          Now, that's one thing, all the customers know what they want. Second thing is, they all come in uttering specific brand instead of active ingredient. logically of course they would lah kan, if they were to sat the active ingredient, then better they also learn pharmacy like us lah. But the thing is, i didn't realize this all this while. so when a customer walks in and ask for something and i'm like, what the heck is that ? unless i've already remembered that brand then i know lah. if not, how would i know unless they say they want sunsilk ke garnier ke, then i know lahh. hahahahaha. *nonsense at it's best*

          Last but not least, for the 3rd day report is, it's normal to walk around like a sales assistant. it's the first week, it's my first time doing this. so don't be so hard on ourselves.we might not know it now, but soon enough we will. so be strong, have faith and enjoy the ride. Even better, if you are diligent enough, go study lah all the old related topics, then check out mims for the brand ke, then compare with ur pharmacy, that is kalau rajin *as if, ihiks*. Different pharmacy may have different situation. Maybe my pharmacy is like this, cause it's at an urban area *Tui* Maybe, Just maybe.

why u so lazy shakirah ?

*ahah! i just thought of the next update, life of a working housedaughter (konon like housewife lah), recipe of my favourite homemade arabian food ke? saja write here so i don't forget, don't judge, i'm not trying to trigger anybody's interest here*

bubbye *big wave from side to side, imagine that !*


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