Lazy recipe: very very easy bake cheesecake

Hello assalamualaikum

So today i decided to bake *clap2*
which is amazing cause i am not a fan of baking at all. i like cooking in general, but i like cooking meals for lunch or simple malay desserts that are to easy.
so yeah, from the title its so clear that the only reason i baked today cause it was just out of this world way too easy.

all you need is some

Biscuits (i used cornflakes instead)
*the amount depends on how thick you want the crust to be, but make sure it's not extremely thin that it can crumble at touch okay ?

500g Cream cheese
3/4 cup Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
4 Eggs

By the way you can add a bit of lemon zest if you like too, it does make it extra yumy. well at least to  me.

After that bake at 170C for about 30-40 mins

A little tip for a beautiful finish and no cracks is to bake the cake in a pan of water. Put the pan of cake in anther pan of water and then bake. After it's all cooked, leave it in the turned off oven for a bit before taking it out. Let it cool and ur all set.

Voila ! my shiny cheesecake ! yeah sorry, i cut it a bot roughly. i guess i was too excited.


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