Travel: Penang, MPS Conference

Hello assalamualaikum let's get on with the series now shall we. 4th November 2017 It was my first official experience attending and participating in a conference while presenting my work for oral and posters presentation. SUPER nerve-wrecking. All i could think about the night before was how lowly i am to be presenting in front of all the professionals and experts, like who am i, am i even worthy of this experience. Thankfully at the end of the day, it was way beyond my expectation. Such a great experience, it definitely changed my perception of presenting at a conference. Instead of being intimidated and feeling down, its actually an uplifting sharing session where we will actually get tips to improve our study or some brilliant inputs from experts. Or at the very least we get to share the knowledge with people of the same interest. On top of that, i was lucky enough to have the chance to communicate with great people in the pharmaceutical field. Also had the chance to sha...