Random rants : Me and I

Not trying to be bitter or anything, but at the end of the day, no matter how much person means to you, or how they promise to always be there, or how they should naturally just be part of your life always, at the end of the day, you only have yourself. Even if deep down u thought, this person can save me, if anything happens, they'll be there. Well its still true, but beyond that person, beyond the thinkable issues, the last person left is you. And when that happens, you're the only person you can rely on. No one is actually going to really,truly, forever and always, despite whatever, be there by your side. Well i don't know if anyone actually has that. But clearly i don't feel like so. Again, not trying to be bitter or anything. I have the greatest people in my life that i truly love and appreciate. But no one, can stop me from feeling the need to be super self sufficient, cause i know, everyone has their own life to think of, their own path to pave, their own s...