
Showing posts from April, 2019
I'm grateful for the good things in life, but is it wrong to sometimes hate life.

Random rants: Moments

Life is made out of moments, many small eventful moments in our lives.Of course as humans, we will not and can not remember everything that happens in our life, but what we do remember are these moments. These important moments, especially those that means a lot to us.Most moments fall on special days, or special events or meaningful that happens on a day could define a moment.And don't get me wrong as if i'm talking all about sunshine and butterflies.Moments can be bad, awful in fact sad as hell too. My point here, make every moment count, if its an important day, make the best out of it, cause tainting it with a bad memory will follow you and haunt you for the rest of your lives. If you're with an important person try your best to make the best out of the times you spend. If its an important event, just make sure you try your best to make the moment joyful, cause what happens during those moments will come in flashes in the future and it will either make you smile on...