There are just times when you feel really bad
unwanted, unloved, incapable and so much more
I'm in that state right now
I feel unloved and unwanted as the people who is supposed to love and care for me doesn't seem to
I feel incapable cause i am unable to do tasks which someone like me should have mastered long ago
I feel weak cause when someone important to me needs financial help, i cant really afford to help
And i am angry at myself, for always finding time to waste when there a million other things i could do to use the time
Aging does not suddenly make you awesome
The worst thing about ageing is the mind
I've seen and felt too many things and now my mind wont ever stop doubting myself, doubting other people, doubting the future, always scared and worried for all the littlest and pettiest things.
I wish i could break free and live life with a soul of a kid and a body of an adult.