Positive February

 Hi and Assalamualaikum

This week I've been feeling much much better, like a lot better. I think I elevated or upgraded or maybe just got activated. This week of all weeks, I really am starting to hold on to this one belief, like truly believe in in my heart, in my mind with confidence. It's like i know it all this time, but it was never truly embedded in my heart.

Everything will be okay, because Allah will only give good things to those who believe. Even what others feel like are bad things, its actually a good thing, if you believe and trust Allah's plan. He truly, truly knows what's best for you, me and everyone. Things may get tough, lemme correct that, things will get tough, heck its life and life's a test, of course it will get tough, but its all good, cause its for the better, better you, better me, better endings to our lives. Just keep praying that he guides us to the right path, guides us through every decision we make. We are given choices in our daily lives to make with our limited capability, pray that we always choose the path that pleases Him.

I know that with imaan, its a ferris wheel, sometimes we're on top, sometimes we're at the bottom. Honestly this feels like i'm being on top, but i truly hope i improve more and more, that this high point, will be a low point in the future. May my high point keep getting higher and higher closer to Him.

I like this feeling, I love it, cause i feel loved, so loved, i feel a sense of belonging and that's enough for now. Alhamdulillah.


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