
Showing posts from November, 2021

Live, Learn, Grow

I've been so hooked up on this concept recently. I dont know why, but i was sorta conditioned to blame myself for a lot of things that happened in my life, and only recently have i really broke out of that shell and see the world for what it is. I can confidently say, that with the knowledge i have at each stage of my life, i have always did my best.  However, my knowledge at each stage of life, may have been inadequate compared to the knowledge i have today, which makes the past version of me a very different person than i am today. Some of the decisions or actions i made in the past may have been what i thought was what's best at the time. Given the same situation again today, i might do something totally opposite of what i did in the past. But you know what the best thing is.. I do  not regret a single thing i did. As from it all I learnt I grew I matured I gained priceless experience It is so very easy to be caught up in a loop or blackhole of thoughts involving what ifs ?...