Live, Learn, Grow

I've been so hooked up on this concept recently. I dont know why, but i was sorta conditioned to blame myself for a lot of things that happened in my life, and only recently have i really broke out of that shell and see the world for what it is.

I can confidently say, that with the knowledge i have at each stage of my life, i have always did my best. 

However, my knowledge at each stage of life, may have been inadequate compared to the knowledge i have today, which makes the past version of me a very different person than i am today.

Some of the decisions or actions i made in the past may have been what i thought was what's best at the time. Given the same situation again today, i might do something totally opposite of what i did in the past.

But you know what the best thing is.. I do  not regret a single thing i did. As from it all

I learnt

I grew

I matured

I gained priceless experience

It is so very easy to be caught up in a loop or blackhole of thoughts involving what ifs ? what if i did this, what if tried that, what if i changed this and that. But the past is always going to be in the past. Nothing can change it. And as muslims, i can be absolutely rest assured that everything happened in my best interest, because i know, all the qada and qadar that happened, happened for a reason and happened for my sake. 

By the way, it is wajib to believe in qada and qadar, so no matter how you get to believing, you better believe it. HAHA

It really does make my heart melt and fuzzy and warm when i think about how Allah puts great detail and care and love into everything that happens for us, and all that's left to do is used the incredible mind Allah gave us to make the right choices with every situation and get the lesson He is trying to teach us. Because trust me, because at the end of whatever tunnel you are going through, there will always be a warm light to greet you. Always. Seriously always.

I've been through what back in the day i would call like hell on earth, I had moments of being miserable. Well i thought so la, until now when i actually look back, it's just like, hahah that was funny. i really needed that lesson cause if not i would definitely end up as a wimp or whatever.

Point is, later in life, you will finally understand what life is teaching you, why you had to go through some things, what actually made you who you are today, and it was all beautifully orchestrated by Allah. Nothing, literally nothing, could've made it any better that it was


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