bread pudding**!


last week ,, i really wanted something sweet to eat,, but i was totally lazy,, so thought hard of something simple to do.. and WAlLLAAAAA,, it hit me,, this pudding is so easy, just put some=

milk *skati lah susu cair ke pekat ke susu kotak..*

dont worry about the quantity,, cause u can put as much as anything.. make it how you want it to be.. want it to be oh so soft,, than dont put too much bread,, but  believe me, to much egg is a bad choice

i only used 1 egg,, and 4 and a half bread,, the other stuff i just add in happily without even taking any consideration of the quantity.. i just tasted it before putting it in the oven

and hey. people usually put it in a big baking pan,, but i did not make much.. and i dont have any small pans.. so i put it in a muffin pan.. so my pudding is quite cute.. haha

baking it is also up to u.. i just wait until its quite golden,, and HEY!,, there u have it..

here are some pictures~

 so pretty right?? hehe * saja nak tarik perhatian anda2 suruh buat jugak!

*eat when its still hot is the BEST!


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