a full circle moment

Fascinatingly, life at this age really boils down to the little moments. Yesterday we had our faculty meeting and finally my name was brought up to confirm my upcoming students. It warmed and tingled my heart inside as last year i was looking at colleagues names and thinking how amazing are these people, able to get students left and right. will i be able to do that, was my thoughts. Alhamdulillah i am slowly getting there. This is a testament to no matter how hard things are, or stuck i feel, suddenly things just pass by and you are already moving forward leaving the past behind and builidng a new future. The endless misery somehow seems to lead us somewhere. maybe the so called misery isnt really misery, of course it isnt, that is just how i feel, it is actually a journey in life meant to shape us somehow. 

Life is honestly magical, and magical doesnt necessarily mean all butterflies and sunshine, the rough patches and dark tunnels also seem to lead to a meanigful place, that we can never ever guess while we're at it, but once it is part of the pass, suddenly you understand why it was all so important, and why it was necessary in your journey. 

okay bye, 5 minute break done,got work to do


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