Around australia we go #1

hello assalamualaikum,

Finally, after a long while, let's update something here. First and foremost i'd like to wish a very happy new year to everyone, may this year be a blessed one, inshaa Allah.
now moving on, last year, which seems so long from now, i had the chance, alhamdulillah to go to Australia. so yeah, i think it's a good experience to share. I may not remember the details, but i remember the main points.

so let's begin, for a long flight, it's best to take Malaysia Airlines of I took a morning flight, direct from KLIA to Brisbane International Airport and arrived at night. For, accomodation, it was all freeeee, cause I have a cousin there, therefore i am unable to suggest any good places to stay. but good places to visit ? for that i have a list.

So let's begin, firstly when i go on a trip with my mum, what we always is do, act like a local, walk around like we know what we're doing. yeah we do get lost, but we always manage to find our way back. So for the first day we walked so far that we reached the city centre. and what do they have there ? The Eye of Brisbane~

The Eye of Brisbane is right in the middle of the city near the river, which I think is the South Bank. The area around the south bank is real pretty, they even made a like a fake beach there. It’s like a long pathway with a lot of beautiful landscape, so it’s really worth a stroll. Yeah I forgot to mention that the view all over Brisbane is just so refreshing. Loved it so much. Of course I will show pictures but the pictures could be just so-so compared to what I saw okay ?  After walking quite a while we got tired so we actually slept by the river bank for about half an hour. It feels good doing all these weird things with my mummy. photo time !

And of course after a good long stroll we stopped by for coffee and waffles. For me, when I go to these western countries, drinking coffee with weird names at cute café watching people passing by is a must.  There’s this feeling about it that I really love.  But hey, everyone has their own opinion on what’s the must do thing on a trip right? Anyways moving on, I have to comment about the names of the places in brisbane. Unbelievably cute, and yeah I’m not joking. There were names like, indooroopilly, woolloonggaba, Toowoomba and so on. So I asked a bit regarding the names of the places and I found that it has a relation to do with their aboriginal citizens. But I didn’t look into it that much. It’s not who I am. My curiosity goes halfway only. Other than going for coffee, we are also the type of people who go to their supermarket and look for yummy food house wife style. We look for veges, fruits, breads, cheese, and those pre-packed stuff that we don’t find much in Malaysia. Going to their supermarket could be like a hobby for my mum and me. We always do this. So frequently. To add to that we even go to the pasar basah u know. Wet market in brisbane. Not that much of a different to ours except I must say theirs are cleaner. I do not hate my country or anything I am merely stating the obvious.

Next, another place we went to is Mount Coo-Tha where it’s like Hong Kong’s Victorea’s Peak where from that place we can see the whole brisbane. We went there at night, so it was really beautiful. But because we’re all useless photographers at night the pictures were all ugly. But I’m gonna show yah anyways. And I must say that because we went at night, and the place is on a hill, it was crazy cold. Even though I handle cold weather quite well compared to my family but  that time I was so freakin cold and I only brought a thin cardi with me which of course was useless. I mean, we even wear those cardis in the hot weather of Malaysia. How could it help me with the cold ? haha.  The main point is, it is really beautiful. And I think it would be a really awesome view to watch the sunrise there. That is my humble suggestion.

i'm not sure how i set the camera, but it just happened  that it became so bright.

I’m telling you, we WALK a lot. Like really a lot. There was this one day we even walked to my cousin’s university which is not that near. Or should I say quite far. But you know what; the university was just so beautiful. I walked around full of envy. How can I not think of getting a master’s overseas like this haa ? it’s hard to explain yeah, so lemme feed you some more photos. Oh by the way, I think the university is called Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

So, that's quite it for now. a story of how we walked a lot. In my next post, I'm gonna share a whole lot more about animals and gardens and sydney and whatever places i went to. Till we meet again my dear blog.


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