
Showing posts from July, 2018

Life : Maya Angelou

Hey hey So, if you know me know me, like really know me, you would know that i'm the biggest sucker for quotes and poem. All my notebooks and diaries and my room and my phone are full of them. I love quotes for the fact that such short and simple words could give such deep meaning and i love poems for the beauty, depth and complexity of the words used to tell a story. So, recently i discovered Maya Angelou and for the gazillion time, i'm in love with her quotes, poems etc. Absolutely divine. To remind myself again and again of this beauty and express how much i love it, it needs to be exposed in this blog lah for sure. Duhhhh. We unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight live coiled in shells of loneliness until love leaves it high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies old memories of pleasure ancient history of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are w...

Random Rants: An Act

a lot of times we act like we don't care like we don't mind like it's okay like we understand like we're mature like we're not selfish but you see an act, is still an act it's not real. because of our act, we are in pain a lonely one. P/s it's a random rant cause it is random.

Adulting 101: Being understanding, Being a listener

Hello Assalamualaikum I realize that telling your problems to someone is a big relief only when the person, empathizes, understands, does not judge and ultimately listens well. A lot of people are introverted especially in speaking up about their issues, and when they finally can tell their problems to someone, and when that someone listens well and truly empathize, that alone would be more than enough. Sometimes people just want to be heard, not given solutions Before we try to advise, judge or tell them to do things, always always always start with asking. Ask if their okay with the way things are, whats their problem, is there anything making them feel this way, is something wrong. basically always show that your ultimate cause and reason is your concern towards them. this will make them safe, reassured and feel understood. Many times, we are too quick to judge without considering what the person is actually feeling. By knowing what they are feeling we can manage our response...

Life : Missed my bus

Hey Assalamualaikum What a day, what a day?  Well from the title, obviously i missed my bus. It's a big thing to me, well it used to be, now I'm much more calmer and that's what i want to talk about. Maturity, acceptance, and faith The person i was in the past, I'm a big mess, especially when it concerns time, i really don't like being late, I'm almost always early to everything, and i don't like people waiting for me, and i just reallly really cannot understand people who are constantly late. And i was so caught up in the concept of time, that i missed the bigger picture of basically everything. I used to always blame people for making me caught up with being late and point out people being late, making sure they feel quite guilty. For example, if i was late to something because i was waiting for someone, or someone sent me late or last minute adjustments, i would get so so so upset. Basically i was too uptight, and like i said, i missed the bigger ...