Random rants: The scary and sad bits of the world
Hello and assalamulaikum The world is a very interesting place indeed. With all the good things it gives you, ,there are certainly bad things, and these are what comes as challenges to us. Recently i had a bad experience with complete strangers. It's so weird how complete strangers can suddenly judge you and say bad things about you. i'm trying to ignore that fact. i think i'm okay. But what makes me sad mostly is because, why do people sort to negative ways to face things, why not comment constructively, why not share the knowledge you have. Not trying to be ego or anything, but it's not like i made a mistake or did something terribly wrong. The only thing i did is, i was lacking, but i'm always always open for suggestions and teachings because i love knowledge and knowledge is such a pure thing. Not everyone has the kind of knowledge i have and not everyone has the kind of knowledge you have. that's why we exist in this world together, to share and help ...