Random rants: The scary and sad bits of the world
Hello and assalamulaikum
The world is a very interesting place indeed. With all the good things it gives you, ,there are certainly bad things, and these are what comes as challenges to us. Recently i had a bad experience with complete strangers. It's so weird how complete strangers can suddenly judge you and say bad things about you. i'm trying to ignore that fact. i think i'm okay. But what makes me sad mostly is because, why do people sort to negative ways to face things, why not comment constructively, why not share the knowledge you have. Not trying to be ego or anything, but it's not like i made a mistake or did something terribly wrong. The only thing i did is, i was lacking, but i'm always always open for suggestions and teachings because i love knowledge and knowledge is such a pure thing. Not everyone has the kind of knowledge i have and not everyone has the kind of knowledge you have. that's why we exist in this world together, to share and help each other. this world can be so so beautiful if everyone was kind-hearted. i know its not logic, but let a girl dream, let a girl be hopeful, cause your girl is sad and disappointed at the kind of world that the adults have made it into. will the world still be a beautiful place for my kids ?
Based on my useless analysis, the older generations are scarier and less mature than we think. Maturity truly does not come with age and i've seen many proofs of that. i just really hope in whatever i do, i will always always remember what Allah likes best before moving forward and deciding my next step. We can do all the things we want to achieve our dream, but once we do it the evil way or the bad way, will Allah let us pass to his Heaven easily ? that scares the hell out of me *literally*. The words we say, the actions we do, all of it can unintentionally hurt people without us knowing, and once someone is hurt, we must apologize, but what about those people who think they're not wrong. I'm scared for these people, cause what if they never get the chance to say sorry and end up dying. We're all imperfect obviously, but if the things we do negatively becomes our habit and the bad deeds just start collecting without us knowing, isn't that scary. i think it is. I'm actually hurt, and a bit traumatized too, cause i am not used to this 'openly bashing' people. all i can do now is just remember what my friend said, my intention was always to share to people who do not know, altho i missed some things here and there, i believe i still managed to share even just a little bit, to those who really know nothing, and for those who are interested know more, they should do more research on their own, and for the experts out there, give it a shot, share your knowledge too, help improve this little girls whose just trying to help the general public a bit while helping herself collect some brownie points in the eyes of God the Almighty. May what i share be a source of good deeds for me when i die.
This random random ramble, is a reminder for myself too. I hope i will always be kind, helpful and not hurt other intentionally or unintentionally. I pray that Allah helps both you and me, be a good person in this world, make good deeds and reach paradise.