2020 Journey; The beginning

Hi and assalamualaikum

I cannot believe that it is finally 2020.
I have made big decisions last year to pursue a different life this year.
I'm scared, I'm nervous, I'm anxious, but I'm happy too.
Deep down in my gut, this feels right.
If you ask me a year ago whether i would have made the same decision, I dare say i definitely would have not made the decisions that led me to where i am today.
But that's the thing, a lot of  things can happen in a year and god is great really.
He showed me why the decision that i initially didn't want, is the best decision i can make now. Alhamduillah, it's only been a few days, but i feel good. I feel like i can do this.
I know for sure it's gonna be hard as hell, but hey, when has my life ever been easy.
So, i'm just gonna look ahead, step forward and march through this new journey whole-heartedly.
He put me here, there must be a grand reason behind it.
Sooner or later it will be uncovered.
As for now, let's get through this.


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