
 its really hard trying to not question

why do i deserves this

why do i have to go thru this

but sometimes i find my own answers

there's always space to better

but it doesn't mean all the bad things will go away when u strive to better

bad things will continue to happen

cause bad things are what reminds you to always try to be better

its kinda like a notification from god

everytime i question things, i start to think of my imperfect solah, my half-hearted dua, my non-existence sunnah, my quiet zikr.

the only time that i truly desperately call out to Him is when i want to question why does these things happen to me

but before i open my mouth i am humbled by my own deeds that are as bare minimum as possible

who am i to question what He gives me when i dont do much for Him too

it feels good to trust that a higher being is watching over you and in control of what happens and knows what is best for you

but that trust must be fulfilled with trust in ourselves as well. we must work to be better, we just must.


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