Happiness is a choice
I've been saying this sentence since my degree life, and recently i am realizing this fact again and again.
Why is happiness a choice ? because you always have the choice to choose what you want, remove what you don't want, avoid what's unnecessary, do things that serve you and excuse yourself from things that don't serve you
Why keep hurting and putting yourself in situations that don't serve you?
However, to be able to put boundaries and know what you want, i truly believe that you need to fully know your worth. You are of high value and you are amazing. Stop beating yourself up for things you don't deserve.
Letting go can be hard, but it just might just be the best thing yet.
Keep praying and ask God for guidance and He will always always guide you to the best of destinations, best of people, best of life. Only the best for you.
So pray and keep moving forward proudly. You definitely got it !
P/s I'm happy. Alhamdulillah.