How to be happy


after the last post i just had something click in my mind and in a way, understood, how to be happy, not always, not forever, but as much as can be. 

and the key which unlocks it all is something as simple as being grateful. Being grateful changed my perspective a lot, and also help me accept my reality as it is. Being grateful was initially something i felt when big things happen, but recently i kinda learned the art of being grateful for every little thing and that definitely made me a much much happier person. 

at first, it took force and practice, to write down three things i felt grateful for that day, and everytime i felt a negative thought, i caught myself and changed those thoughts to the good things instead. 

as an example,

my clothes might be a little ripped, so I don't feel good about that, i will then change my thoughts into, my whole outfit still looks bomb ! 

but now, as those little good things are happening, I'm just thankful, i bask in the moment, enjoy it and i am grateful for it. Today alone i have a bajillion things to be thankful about. 

i get to walk in the park this morning, had a sudden picnic, got a yummy coffee, the guard talked to me brightly, talked with my housemates, had a good lunch, enjoyed my drive to work. 

While actually behind the scenes, a really bad thing actually happened today, which i actually cried, because my laptop got attacked by a ransom ware and some of my data might be lost forever. 

But i was able to shake off and get back up from that incident rather quickly, which i think is a really big improvement for an over thinker like me. it's kinda like a sign to me, that i may just not be that much of an overthinker anymore. i hope so, aaaaameeeeen.

OH MY GOD ! i was sad in the morning, but around 2 hours after the incident i was okay, and then in the afternoon i was totally fine already. weehooo, she's improving, and by she, i mean me. so proud of you shakirah. ahh see, another grateful moment. 

you know another key to happiness and also gratefulness, it's not being afraid of making mistakes and also not regretting anything in the past. 

we're bound to make mistakes, and it's okay to make it, we're not perfect. what's most important and valuable from a mistake is the lesson we get from it, that helps us be a better person. 

between something you learn and a mistake u made, the mistake most likely would have given a bigger impact and a more long lasting lesson than u can apply in life. at least for me it is. 

For regrets, there's no use for regrets, at least for me as a muslim, because what is in the past, is part of taqdir, or qada qadar. It was meant to be that way, and has happened that way, there's a lesson to be learnt so learn from it. regretting wallowing and dwelling won't shape you into a better person. learning and moving forward will. Trust that Allah knows exactly what is best for you every moment of your life. 


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