
Showing posts from October, 2012

EidulAdha (:

hello assalamualaikum minal aidil wal faizzin everyone this year, i really had a hectic eid, but it was very fun and a surely becoming a memory to cherish. thursday morning i arrived at batu pahat johor, friday was eid already, i went to watch a sheep being slaughtered. (wait, kambing biri2 sheep kan ?) and by the evening, me and a bunch of cousins went to johor premium outlet. SHOPPING TIME ! for those with money only, excluding me of course ~  ze sheep  ze end of ze sheep's life  LAPAH time  ze ladies  ze mothers excited to shop  woahhh, i want one, but no money (telan air liur) people with money shoppin saturday, i went and watch some more slaughtering, went to an uncle's house for satay, went out with them to shop again, and went out again with my brother, then had a barbecue at night. in simple words, a very packed day, from 8a.m to 11p.m.  sataying  cutest baby ~!  after jenjalan ~ ...

photo (:


Student now, pharmacist later

hello assalamualaikum, yes2, alhamdulillah, even with such a pack schedule and individual-studying all the time, I still manage to appreciate a part of the goodness of being a student. FRIENDS. Yes, no matter how busy I get, meeting up with my friends just for a while lifts up my mood. But the best-est thing ever is cause I actually spent my whole saturday with friends. Me and my roomies went to buy some necesseties, and we ended up goin to the beach, just to relieve burdens of a students. (err, what burden again ?) Subhanallah, the sea was so gorgeous maaa ! Here2, look2, pretty photos, by professional photographer shakirah (in ur dreams lahh ) totally satisfied , worth the trip and worth the money spent to get there. Breath-taking.   "wahhhhhhhhhhhh " kata mereka  ahhhhh, smooth white sand ~  prettty right ? speechless  subhanallah ! ehemm~ So that's a life of a student . Study +jalan = student's life ...


2/10/2012 first time in my life directly seeing a cadaver. In other words, an embalmed body which has totally been dissected. Seriously thinking about entering the lab, freaked me out. But once I was in there, I was fine, and in the end, I ended up being the person with the clearest view of the cadaver, it was so interesting to see all these organs in our body for real. We've been learning about our body forever, and we so know that our body is absolutely complex. And now seeing our body with my own eyes, in the real form, I’m like, mashaAllah, it's too great of a creation. No one can ever create something as complicated and perfect as our body other than Allah. Yeah, I know we've been looking at pictures of our complex body all the time, but the feeling is SO different from a real one. A really great experience. so btw, if you think choosing pharmacy helps you avoid these things, then ur definitely wrong. because we are apart of medical sciences, so ana...