hello assalamualaikum, huh =.= holiday is almost over, and i'm getting bummed all about it, i dont want to go back *spoiled brat lah shakirah ni* i really enjoy the wonderous and joyful days of doing nothing other than cooking and a little tidying. seriously i didnt open a single book, except a bunch of novels which my umi gave, but i havent actually read it yet, #ahakss *guilty with charges* so this is my last week of free labouring with a bunch of thick text books. i am just going to enjoy my days loafing around while acting nonchalant to the actual day that i have to register for short semester, #ahakss *ohh im loving the gedik parts lah* i will surely be hay-wired by the time the actual day comes, why? cause i dont care when it comes,, i want to stay home! but hey, i cant act all reckless and leave out my studies,, the fight must go on, right? *boleh ke x go on?* so i will just let the wind and fate take me where it wants, let life drive me through all w...