Student now, pharmacist later

hello assalamualaikum, yes2,

alhamdulillah, even with such a pack schedule and individual-studying all the time, I still manage to appreciate a part of the goodness of being a student. FRIENDS.

Yes, no matter how busy I get, meeting up with my friends just for a while lifts up my mood.
But the best-est thing ever is cause I actually spent my whole saturday with friends.

Me and my roomies went to buy some necesseties, and we ended up goin to the beach, just to relieve burdens of a students. (err, what burden again ?)
Subhanallah, the sea was so gorgeous maaa ! Here2, look2, pretty photos, by professional photographer shakirah (in ur dreams lahh )
totally satisfied , worth the trip and worth the money spent to get there. Breath-taking.

  "wahhhhhhhhhhhh " kata mereka
 ahhhhh, smooth white sand ~

 prettty right ? speechless

 subhanallah !


So that's a life of a student . Study +jalan = student's life

next !

My latest lab, was making creams, powders and, and..... i'm not quite sure if it is a mixture or a suspension, or whatever the name is. Hehe. so we had to make the stuff, and then submit our products, then the products will be judge based on our mixing techniques. seriously i have no techniques at all whatsoever. haha, i juts made it with my heart * err really ? *

so instead of telling what I did which surely would bore myself to death, take a look at the pictures of my products.

 oops, terbalik. malas nak betulkan.

P/s it is not as fun as people would think, quite tiring actually, but the mixing part is still fun to do, like playing masak-masak.

Yeehaaa, now it really seems like I am a pharmacist in the making right ? InshaAllah.

finito ~


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