EidulAdha (:

hello assalamualaikum
minal aidil wal faizzin everyone

this year, i really had a hectic eid, but it was very fun and a surely becoming a memory to cherish. thursday morning i arrived at batu pahat johor, friday was eid already, i went to watch a sheep being slaughtered. (wait, kambing biri2 sheep kan ?) and by the evening, me and a bunch of cousins went to johor premium outlet. SHOPPING TIME ! for those with money only, excluding me of course ~

 ze sheep
 ze end of ze sheep's life
 LAPAH time
 ze ladies

 ze mothers excited to shop
 woahhh, i want one, but no money (telan air liur)
people with money shoppin

saturday, i went and watch some more slaughtering, went to an uncle's house for satay, went out with them to shop again, and went out again with my brother, then had a barbecue at night.
in simple words, a very packed day, from 8a.m to 11p.m.

 cutest baby ~!
 after jenjalan ~

Birthday Cake ! weeee, sumpah sdp.

very good holiday, study-free, work-free
consequence :
i'm gonna be a mad woman this monday doing loads of work for sure ~


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