end of 2nd year, Bachelor of pharmacy
hello assalamualaikum,
actually, it's been over for like almost 3 weeks i think. but i was still out of my mind and unable to think straight * excuses* Anyways, now that i am at my brother's office, i will use this time wisely to update this beloved blog of mine.
to be frank, 2nd year was a year of discovery to me. when i was in first year it was more to adapting, observing, gettin the feel but then 2nd year was like an eye opening era, learning to understand the reason behind everything, self-discovery, riding the groove kind of thing. u know what i mean ? so all in all, 2nd year was amazing ! learning felt better, quizzes were more bearable, life was full of colours, friendship woven stronger. what more can i add to that. it's just simply amazing !
we've been through a lot these 2 years, and to summarize that and also as a sign of my remorse for almost never updating this blog, today ! i will slosh this blog aggressively and return it to it's true lustrous glory. muahahahahaha.yeah i'm kinda hyper right now.
FIRSTLY last semester we had the launching of the new corporate shirt, new ? i mean the FIRST corporate shirt under IIUM PHARMACY STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (IPhA). each batch had different colours and ours was blue.. lovely..
let me present to you the models !
ignore the quality, what's important is the memory.
now, moving on, what i remember is we had a sister's gathering /bbq/party yadayada at sg pancing, that was an amazing experience because it was kinda the first outing of most of our batch, sisters of course. so i am really thankful to the organizer for sacrificing ur time to organize this. i loved it !
pictures please ! but i'm really sorry i'm not good with captions. so let it be boring. hehehehehe.
next. u know my memory is kinda patchy so i'm just mentioning whatever i remember really fast, we had three sport events interbatch, rx11 won, interkuliyyah, KOP did nit win, nvm thgat we had fun. and last but not least, the most grand event of all, NPSC, national pharmcay sports carnival. and alhamdulillah for that we grabbed first place. wee hooo !
let's have a peek !

haaaa. so that's the sports part lahh. now i remember about PHARMILY DAY !!! it was organized by the first year students and it was awesome. if i am not mistaken the theme was fairytale or something like that. the prizes were so luxurious i swear i still have some of it. hahaha. and the ambience itself was a complete success. i honestly loved the games, the prizes the setups, everything. they brought forth a completely different concept from what we did before. and that is what makes pharmily day amazing each year cause it is always different. again i'm just summarizing so back to pictures.

i am getting dry here people, dry of ideas, i have no words. nut let's get on with it. we had our batch activity at taman pertanian where we hiked and rafted and sweat like a buffalo. *does a buffalo sweat ?* i wonder. haha. anyways, it was a really good experince for me cause going out of our comfort zone doin something out of the ordinary routine. a great way to bond. truly it is. not only that, it also gave us the chance to take a closer look at the wonderful creations of Allah. These combinations are what makes things worthwhile, friends, experience, and a continous remembrance of Allah. lovely feeling i tell yaa. lovley !

actually, it's been over for like almost 3 weeks i think. but i was still out of my mind and unable to think straight * excuses* Anyways, now that i am at my brother's office, i will use this time wisely to update this beloved blog of mine.
to be frank, 2nd year was a year of discovery to me. when i was in first year it was more to adapting, observing, gettin the feel but then 2nd year was like an eye opening era, learning to understand the reason behind everything, self-discovery, riding the groove kind of thing. u know what i mean ? so all in all, 2nd year was amazing ! learning felt better, quizzes were more bearable, life was full of colours, friendship woven stronger. what more can i add to that. it's just simply amazing !
we've been through a lot these 2 years, and to summarize that and also as a sign of my remorse for almost never updating this blog, today ! i will slosh this blog aggressively and return it to it's true lustrous glory. muahahahahaha.yeah i'm kinda hyper right now.
FIRSTLY last semester we had the launching of the new corporate shirt, new ? i mean the FIRST corporate shirt under IIUM PHARMACY STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (IPhA). each batch had different colours and ours was blue.. lovely..
let me present to you the models !
ignore the quality, what's important is the memory.
now, moving on, what i remember is we had a sister's gathering /bbq/party yadayada at sg pancing, that was an amazing experience because it was kinda the first outing of most of our batch, sisters of course. so i am really thankful to the organizer for sacrificing ur time to organize this. i loved it !
pictures please ! but i'm really sorry i'm not good with captions. so let it be boring. hehehehehe.
next. u know my memory is kinda patchy so i'm just mentioning whatever i remember really fast, we had three sport events interbatch, rx11 won, interkuliyyah, KOP did nit win, nvm thgat we had fun. and last but not least, the most grand event of all, NPSC, national pharmcay sports carnival. and alhamdulillah for that we grabbed first place. wee hooo !
let's have a peek !

haaaa. so that's the sports part lahh. now i remember about PHARMILY DAY !!! it was organized by the first year students and it was awesome. if i am not mistaken the theme was fairytale or something like that. the prizes were so luxurious i swear i still have some of it. hahaha. and the ambience itself was a complete success. i honestly loved the games, the prizes the setups, everything. they brought forth a completely different concept from what we did before. and that is what makes pharmily day amazing each year cause it is always different. again i'm just summarizing so back to pictures.

i am getting dry here people, dry of ideas, i have no words. nut let's get on with it. we had our batch activity at taman pertanian where we hiked and rafted and sweat like a buffalo. *does a buffalo sweat ?* i wonder. haha. anyways, it was a really good experince for me cause going out of our comfort zone doin something out of the ordinary routine. a great way to bond. truly it is. not only that, it also gave us the chance to take a closer look at the wonderful creations of Allah. These combinations are what makes things worthwhile, friends, experience, and a continous remembrance of Allah. lovely feeling i tell yaa. lovley !

ah yess. for this year, i mean the second year of study in pharmacy, we had two visits. one for nuclear pharmacy where we went to bangi and putrajaya subject and the other one for sterilization and aseptic technology which we went to ain medicare in kelantan. both these visits really helped a lot in my understanding for these subjects. but this is my personal opinion lah. plus, aside the visit to the knowledgY kinda place of course we had our own PARTY goin on, haha and so that made it even more memorable then it could ever be. so once again i will let the pictures speak further.

and finally finally finally for the closing of this semester, we went through a very wonderful, heart warming programme that was a really priceless experience to me. for me to tell you about it and let you dive into the experience with me, i would need another post to put everything into beautiful words. so that will be my next post, our community service program.
with that. fin.
maaf zahir dan batin!Be happy like always:)