Random rants:The independent woman
This woman is somewhere in between.
She can do everything by herself,
But that does not mean she doesn't want anyone to help her out.
She can enjoy and appreciate life as it is,
But that doesn't mean she does not want to share it with someone.
She can be content with the life that she has,
But that doesn't mean she wants to keep it that way.
This woman is prepared for a change,
But that doesn't mean she wants to rush into change.
Change will happen, that is inevitable,
But she doesn't want to make her life focused in finding a change.
This woman can stand tall all on her own,
But that doesn't mean she does not want a significant half.
She wants someone, but not to complete her,
as she is complete.
She wants someone to share moments with.
She wants someone to share life with.
To build a new life that consists of two very different people,
Yet able to enjoy each others company,
for the rest of their lives.