Be weak, be vulnerable, those who love you will embrace you still
Dear you
Dear me
Dear whoever needed this
Imagine a real warm hug, the warmest hug you have ever gotten. The kind of warm hug that feels the warmest when you're struggling, when you're in a bind. Well, here it is, that ultimately warm hug, in the form of writing.
Dear love,
i know, i know, it's hard right ? everything is really tough right now, it feels like the world is crumbling on you trying to bury you deep in the ashes. I know. You must feel really suffocated, secluded and alone. Everything feels dark and it seems like there is no end to this darkness, to this horrible phase of life. It's really hard, and it feels harder when you don't seem to be able to turn to anybody to show this side of you.
Dear, you are not weak if you struggle, you are not a failure if you breakdown, you are valuable no matter what, you are a gem, you are special. I see that, i do, but why won't you see that too ? see how amazing, bright and beaming you are.
You can be weak sometimes and it's okay, it just means you're getting stronger.
You can fall sometimes and it's okay, because i know you will get back up eventually.
I've never seen you give up, you may breakdown and shut down, it may take awhile sometimes, but you are unbelievably strong that you always get back up.
Do you know why you do that ? because deep down, you do know your value, you do know you're amazing, you do know you can do it.
Open up yourself and allow it to feel weak, feel pain, feel failure cause at the end of the journey there is a better you, an amazing you, a successful you.
If we don't go through this difficulty, how are we supposed to become better right? our limits haven't been tested yet, our boundaries haven't been pushed yet.
I know you're probably mad at almost everything and everyone, wondering why me ? why do i have to go thru all this?
But the real question is, why not you ? Allah only burdens those with the strength and capability to handle it.
You can handle it, you are strong enough. and so what if you're mad, sooner or later you'll realize you are only mad at yourself, because you might feel you're not enough or you should do better, when you actually are already doing your very best.
you will realize that you need to be kind and compassionate to yourself. Love yourself the way you love others, love yourself with that overflowing pure and endless you have for others.
Dear love,
everything happens for a reason, a good reason.
and you need to accept yourself, forgive yourself, and make peace with your reality.
because you are enough, what you have achieved is enough, what you have done is enough, who you are is enough, you in itself standing there being who you are, is enough.
You are enough love. you are.