Random rants: Allah knows

Challenges in life can be way too much sometimes
Too much that your heart feels like bursting
Too much that there's no space in your chest to breath
Too much, that when you cry, those two little eyes can't cope
Too much that even your body shakes with your pain
Whimpers and wails and sobs go on continously

And even then
even at your weakest
even at your most vulnerable point
especially then
Remember Allah

Because Allah knows your pain
as He placed it there
Allah knows your grief
as it part of His tests
Allah knows your tears
as it is best for you
Trust me, Allah knows
Not only He knows
But He is there, He is present
so talk to Him, pray to Him, ask from Him
and He shall grab your hopeless heart.

"Not everyday is smooth sailing. There will be bumpy rides and life can get uncomfortable. Although you can;t see what's ahead of you, know the Almighty is always working and preparing you for what's to come. Trust the process!" -MuftiMenk


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