
Showing posts from 2018

Random rants: Control

Hello Assalamualaikum Control  The power to influence or direct people's behavior OR the course of events Control truly is a power, power to make sure things go our way, make sure things go as planned, make sure people act the way they are supposed to and generally having things, events and people to unfold accordingly. However, these things are never really truly within our control. As much as we can plan and direct things the way we want it to, random stuff can just suddenly jump in and shove you in the face. Despite the randomness, the sudden encounter, you gotta face it, you gotta handle it, you just gotta do it. And i think the only way to just walk through it and face any random occurrence in our plans, in peoples actions is just to make peace with yourself and understand that ultimately, not everything is within your control. Some things just go beyond that. Understanding that helped me a lot to just wing it when the times comes. Having a plan and having control...

Life: As the curtains to 2018 falls

- 34 days to 2019 Hello Assalamualaikum Hey, just felt like typing, like writing. There's this certain lazy vibe hovering around me this week, and i want punch myself for that. Its probably just me, pretending to be all lonely and stuff. My lab is now empty, a lab that used to be full of people when i entered and now, damn, i can hear every little sound, cause i'm practically alone. okay okay, i lied, there's probably a rat in here somewhere too. HAHA. My time here is also about to end, in a few months time, i hope, i'm praying hard for that too. And i just kinda feel like reminiscing this whole year, which was a crazy ride, all jokes aside. 2018 was crazy. To be honest, like really really super duper honest, this year almost broke me. But guess what, i didn't break which is awesome. IN YOUR FACE 2018, you didn't get to me, ehekhekhekkkk. However, i have to admit and i cannot deny, that i have changed, and the changes still shock me and i still can'...

Travel: Daehan minguk (Day 1)

Hi, Assalam So finally I have reached the land of my dreams and I couldn't be happier. But it was quite an interesting arrival. We took airasia flight to incheon at 2.50pm and arrived 9.20pm so the journey took about 6 hours. Upon arrival we went thru the usual process of immigration and claiming our luggage. Then came the interesting part where i was trying to topup the card for train rides, and altho i kinda can understand what everyone was saying, i couldn't say a word. I just showed my card. Showed the money, and bamm. Thank god the kid understood. Then we went to ask the counter about the train to reach our accommodation for the night and it was already 11.32 pm .The lady at the counter was like, the last train for today is 11.39, u better hurry. And lemme tell you what. The journey was not short from the counter to the train stop, basically we ran all the way and arrived just on time as the train arrived. Luck was really on our side. But the fact that the first thing we...

Random rants: That day

Let me survive With the memories of today Let me cherish All the little things and live on I cannot ask anything That would be too much I'll just pray to god To decide what is best All these matters are way too heavy To simply throw around As it comes with great responsibility Whatever it is I'll take today with me for many years to come Each smile Each sound Each step Each look Each moment I'll cherish them dearly I don't know if i'm being carried away But for today ... 81023042

Adulting 101 : Things to remind myself

1. Always be thankful 2. Don't take things or people for granted 3. Give your best in everything 4. Don't live with regrets 5. Try, try and try. Don't give up. 6. Live in the moment. 7. Don't waste time worrying 8. Everything happens for a reason, a good one. 9. You don't need to be validated by other people, you are great. 10. Working hard takes you places. 11. Praying is the best kind of hope you will ever get, ask for everything. 12. Living life with love is the best way to go. Go, love. 13. It's always okay to fall down crumble and cry. Just get back up. 14. Envy is sickening. Don't do that. 15. Reflect on yourself, there's always room for improvement. Babe, Allah loves you.

Random rants : What is enough ?

Yesterday i was myself Today i am myself Tomorrow i will still be myself Nothing is going to change Is being myself not enough ? Am i that insufficient, imperfect and full of flaws ? Is there really nothing good in me you can see ? I don't believe it, I won't I can't be that bad But i can't lie It hurts Much more than i thought it would Every time Tell me, What is being enough to you? Will i ever be that? Note* I am just shakirah Is shakirah not enough ?

Random rants: moments

it's funny and kind of amazing how the mind works it takes a passing moment a nonreturnable past a person leaving for us to really appreciate what has already happened in that moment in the past with that person why ? well i guess, it's just a yearning, a longing, to want it again. it's not that we didn't appreciate what has already happened it's just how the moment actually meant enough for us to finally appreciate it that way. its kinda like being thankful that we had that moment

Random rants: Words coming back to haunt

Its scary, horrific even How words you say without meaning any harm might've caused harm might haunt you in the most unexpected ways I keep realizing a lot of things in life recently, and my most recent lesson is, Talk is just talk in the end, because when you are finally placed in the situation which you thought you could handle based on all the plans you made in your head, and all the words you spewed out to people. But once you face that situation itself, all your plans crumble, all you thought you could do, you couldn't, all the reasons you gave suddenly become so ridiculous. In the past, when i think about the future, i would have never ever thought that i'd be placed in this situation. I thought i did all i could to prevent things and i even thought that even if it happens, i've got the mind and heart to face it head on. But now its just extremely laughable, because of course, it happened, and when it happened, id just simply say, all the strong min...

Random rants: A pause

If time was in my control I'd pause and stay stuck in this moment What may come ahead scares me While my doubt continuously taunts me And I feel my strength leaving me So i would choose to pause To banish all my fears To clear away all my doubts And to invigorate my strength. My fears come from deep within the fear of doing anything  fear of confronting fear of bursting and most ghastly of it all is the fear of the ripples, waves and possibly a tsunami as a sequel of my doings. My uncertainty is like a cloud of smoke surrounding me sometimes a light mist sometimes a dark gloomy fog And my strength... I guess it's there slowly but surely building it has to be cause I need it to be _early august thoughts

Life : Maya Angelou

Hey hey So, if you know me know me, like really know me, you would know that i'm the biggest sucker for quotes and poem. All my notebooks and diaries and my room and my phone are full of them. I love quotes for the fact that such short and simple words could give such deep meaning and i love poems for the beauty, depth and complexity of the words used to tell a story. So, recently i discovered Maya Angelou and for the gazillion time, i'm in love with her quotes, poems etc. Absolutely divine. To remind myself again and again of this beauty and express how much i love it, it needs to be exposed in this blog lah for sure. Duhhhh. We unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight live coiled in shells of loneliness until love leaves it high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies old memories of pleasure ancient history of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are w...

Random Rants: An Act

a lot of times we act like we don't care like we don't mind like it's okay like we understand like we're mature like we're not selfish but you see an act, is still an act it's not real. because of our act, we are in pain a lonely one. P/s it's a random rant cause it is random.

Adulting 101: Being understanding, Being a listener

Hello Assalamualaikum I realize that telling your problems to someone is a big relief only when the person, empathizes, understands, does not judge and ultimately listens well. A lot of people are introverted especially in speaking up about their issues, and when they finally can tell their problems to someone, and when that someone listens well and truly empathize, that alone would be more than enough. Sometimes people just want to be heard, not given solutions Before we try to advise, judge or tell them to do things, always always always start with asking. Ask if their okay with the way things are, whats their problem, is there anything making them feel this way, is something wrong. basically always show that your ultimate cause and reason is your concern towards them. this will make them safe, reassured and feel understood. Many times, we are too quick to judge without considering what the person is actually feeling. By knowing what they are feeling we can manage our response...

Life : Missed my bus

Hey Assalamualaikum What a day, what a day?  Well from the title, obviously i missed my bus. It's a big thing to me, well it used to be, now I'm much more calmer and that's what i want to talk about. Maturity, acceptance, and faith The person i was in the past, I'm a big mess, especially when it concerns time, i really don't like being late, I'm almost always early to everything, and i don't like people waiting for me, and i just reallly really cannot understand people who are constantly late. And i was so caught up in the concept of time, that i missed the bigger picture of basically everything. I used to always blame people for making me caught up with being late and point out people being late, making sure they feel quite guilty. For example, if i was late to something because i was waiting for someone, or someone sent me late or last minute adjustments, i would get so so so upset. Basically i was too uptight, and like i said, i missed the bigger ...

Random rants: Fragile

Do you understand that feeling When you show people a public facade full of smiles and jokes but inside your broken so fragile and so volatile that with the slightest touch you could crumble to million pieces again When you talk to people about daily things just the basic small talks and once you walk out of the room and your thoughts start paving its way into the deepest parts of your mind and before you know it, tears are running down your cheeks When you're tired of a days's work and going back to your room is the greatest feeling but once your inside your room and no one sees you fall to your knees and break down into the saddest whimpers When you want to tell the world how you feel and why you're feeling that way but you know, they don't want to know and even if they do, can they handle it everyday ? or worst, you are just way too tired to even try to explain all the pain that was built up not just a day or two but over years and years of em...

Random rants: Well will you look at that, Monday, again

I will rise Nope I must rise I must move forward I must gain all that i can within my power I need to build myself I need wings And I'll make em So please Stop wasting your time Staring into nothingness Thinking of what to do but not doing it You have to stop You must rise You got things to achieve Things to be And none is coming your way without your effort So get up Open your eyes Open your mind And WORK

Random rants: Allah knows

Challenges in life can be way too much sometimes Too much that your heart feels like bursting Too much that there's no space in your chest to breath Too much, that when you cry, those two little eyes can't cope Too much that even your body shakes with your pain Whimpers and wails and sobs go on continously And even then even at your weakest even at your most vulnerable point especially then Remember Allah Because Allah knows your pain as He placed it there Allah knows your grief as it part of His tests Allah knows your tears as it is best for you Trust me, Allah knows Not only He knows But He is there, He is present so talk to Him, pray to Him, ask from Him and He shall grab your hopeless heart. "Not everyday is smooth sailing. There will be bumpy rides and life can get uncomfortable. Although you can;t see what's ahead of you, know the Almighty is always working and preparing you for what's to come. Trust the process!" -MuftiMenk

Random rants: Another monday

Another monday has come again isn't it weird that mondays are always hard to recover from the weekends to get your pace once again its really not easy But when an originally difficult monday becomes even more difficult with god knows what kind of things in our lives now that's the challenge how do you pick your self up when everything is dragging you down ? how do you keep smiling when all you want to do is cry ? how do you return to your daily life like nothing happened ? Sounds hard, but weirdly, most people manage to do it they can keep their heads held high they can keep smiling through the day they can continue with their routine regardless What everyone else doesn't know are The sudden bursts of tears in the toilet or at the staircase The lonely cries that wet the pillows before bed at night The helpless soul trying to reach out but don't know how The screams and shouts that struggle to be let out but can't be This is real and this is ...

Random rants : Me and I

Not trying to be bitter or anything, but at the end of the day, no matter how much  person means to you, or how they promise to always be there, or how they should naturally just be part of your life always, at the end of the day, you only have yourself. Even if deep down u thought, this person can save me, if anything happens, they'll be there. Well its still true, but beyond that person, beyond the thinkable issues, the last person left is you. And when that happens, you're the only person you can rely on. No one is actually going to really,truly, forever and always, despite whatever, be there by your side. Well i don't know if anyone actually has that. But clearly i don't feel like so. Again, not trying to be bitter or anything. I have the greatest people in my life that i truly love and appreciate. But no one, can stop me from feeling the need to be super self sufficient, cause i know, everyone has their own life to think of, their own path to pave, their own s...

Random rants: Monday

It's finally monday again The weekends felt way too long this time around I guess time slowed down for me But again it's monday And all the realities of life finally hit me Guess what?  They hit real hard Suddenly Mondays that are usually just a bit blue become the gloomiest monday i can remember I can't seem to focus on anything other than my brain Despite emptying all thoughts, i still get lost and drowned in the nothingness of my mind, in the flush of my emotions and in the depth of my tears. I thought, wow, am i still the same person i was last monday? Why does this monday feel so hard?

Adult-ing 101: Getting out of a rut

Hello assalamualaikum Growing up and slowly moving into adult life there are just times where i just really don't feel like doing anything despite of the million thing in my to do list. Even if my mind is saying let's do this, my body and soul is just staying in bed. it's probably because i feel unmotivated and uninspired as if there's no reason to do anything. Well guess what ? Welcome to the RUT. RUT a habit or pattern of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change. - google I'm not sure about everyone else, but me particularly, i've been through several cycles of these situation. Most of the time it comes after a really busy and packed week. It sometimes happens after a really long time of doing just one thing or staying in the same place for too long. So how to get out of this rut ? these are the few things that i try to do, and it kinda helps 1. Review your dreams and goals yeah yeah yeah, i know i kno...